Flowers really do intoxicate me. ~Vita Sackville-West

Beautiful Bleeding Heart

Beautiful Bleeding Heart

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Touch of Summer

Talk about wacky weather - it was in the 30s earlier this week and now our temperatures are hovering near 80 - a record for Western NY this early in April! This very warm weather has triggered a flurry of growth in my garden. All of a sudden it seems lots of insects have hatched and are swarming near my evergreens, my roses, lilacs and butterfly bushes are leafing out and even my tulips have gained inches in height. Early warm weather always make me a little nervous because in all likelihood it could snow again before the warm weather truly arrives. I guess I will take my chances and trim back the rose bushes this weekend because once they start growing, they get unruly very quickly! Even the hycinths have buds..what else can I do, but ENJOY!


  1. Hey Jen,

    I'm impressed. Youv'e done good. I love it. Marcia.

  2. Hi Jen,
    Do you cut your butterfly bushes down (way down) in the spring?

  3. Carol - I just cut them down today..and yes, you can cut them way down. I think of them as miracle plants because of how much they grown in one summer!
