Flowers really do intoxicate me. ~Vita Sackville-West

Beautiful Bleeding Heart

Beautiful Bleeding Heart

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day was started by the blogger at May Dream Gardens blog. The 15th of every month, garden bloggers post a message about what is blooming where they live. If you regularly read my blog, you know what an unusually warm spring we have had in Western NY. Today I have a variety of daffodils, many different colored tulips, hyacinth, Grecian windflower and leopard's bane. It's a feast for the eyes!


  1. If this photo is any indication of the blooms you have, it is a feast for the eyes!

  2. Wow, what a lovely display you have there!

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    Happy gardening everyone!
